
Who is the Sicilian Housewife?

Twelve years ago I visited Sicily for a wedding, and accidentally fell in love with one of the groom’s three hundred cousins. Not deterred by his mother being The Scariest Woman in Sicily, I left my job as a financial analyst in London and moved to a small fishing village to marry him.

Read my Dangerously Truthful Blog to find out what it is really like to be an Englishwoman handling parenthood, the Mafia and a Sicilian mother-in-law, all at once.  


Read my Travel Novels and Non-fiction Books

I write fiction in a genre I call “travel novels”, and non-fiction. Both categories will make you laugh, but not for the same reason. Find out more about my books.

My bestseller in non-fiction, Sicilian Card Games, gives you instructions on how to play some of the card games unique to Sicily (including hints on when to shout). It sells like hotcakes, perhaps because it is so cheap.

Amazon bestseller The Dangerously Truthful Diary of a Sicilian Housewife was described by the Times of Sicily as …filled with biting wit, an astute knack for observation and a powerful sense of determination which makes it a joy to read.” Almost everyone on Amazon gave it five stars, except for one reviewer who only gave it three stars because, as she carefully explained, “it wouldn’t encourage me to marry a Sicilian.” Just for the record, I think Sicilian men make fabulous husbands.

Free Online Travel Guide to Sicily

Sicily is the most exotic place in Europe. Its culture is the legacy of thirteen empires, from Vikings to North Africans, and you can still experience them all in the food, the language, the festivals and traditions, and the monuments. During twelve years living in Sicily I discovered beautiful places, jaw-dropping treasures, and intriguing stories, but was repeatedly amazed to find they weren’t even mentioned in the guide books.

So I photograped everything and wrote my own. Explore my Dangerously Truthful Travel Guide to Sicily.


Browse Photos of Beautiful Sicily

Sicily is full of gorgeous sights which include stunning beaches and mountains, two and a half thousand years of architecture, and people who keep alive the traditions of their grandparents. Browse my Photo gallery.